1.1. Main social and economic indicators
1.2. Average annual rates of increase (decrease) of main social and economic indicators
1.3. Growth (decrease) rates of main socio-economic indicators
2.1. Territory and urban settlements of constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2017
2.2. Employees of state and local self government bodies by branches of power and levels of management
2.3. Employees of federal state bodies at end of 2016
2.4. Employees of federal executive power bodies of some countries of the world
2.5. Employees holding posts at civil and municipal services in the Russian Federation, by branches of power and levels of government
2.6. Composition of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
3.1. Land area
3.2. Water resources
3.3. Volume of water in major lakes and water reservoirs
3.4. Average monthly temperature by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
3.5. Amount of precipitation by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
3.6. Main indicators characterizing the impact of business activities on environment
3.7. Main indicators characterizing the impact of business activities on environment by constituent entitiesof the Russian Federation in 2016
3.8. Specially protected natural territories
3.9. State natural reserves and national parks
3.10. Use of fresh water
3.11. Discharges of pollutants with waste water into water reservoirs
3.12. Volume of polluted waste water discharged into basins of selected seas and rivers
3.13. Emissions, capturing and utilization of atmospheric pollutants from stationary sources
3.14. Emissions of the most widespread air pollutants from stationary sources
3.15. Fixed capital investments for environmental protection and sound use of natural resources
3.16. Commissioning of treatment facilities to protect water and air resources from pollution
3.17. Geological exploration by sources of financing
3.18. Geological explorations by mineral resources
3.19. Deep exploration drilling
4.1. Main demographic indicators
4.2. Main demographic indicators by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
4.3. Population size
4.4. Population by sex
4.5. Population by sex and by age groups as of January 1, 2017
4.6. Total population by age groups
4.7. Number of female per 1000 male of the respective age group
4.8. Total population (by different versions of projections)
4.9. Population by sex (by different versions of projections)
4.10. Population by age groups (by different versions of projections)
4.11. Population structure by ethnic group
4.12. Cities with 100 000 population and over
4.13. Cities and urban settlements by number of inhabitants
4.14. Rural settlements by number of inhabitants
4.15. Births, deaths and natural increase (decrease) of population
4.16. Life expectancy at birth
4.17. Age-specific fertility rates
4.18. Age-specific death rates
4.19. Death rates for major causes of death
4.20. Infant mortality
4.21. Infant mortality by major causes of death
4.22. Marriages and divorces
4.23. Marriages by ages of bride and groom.
4.24. International
4.25. Domestic migration within Russia by territories of arrival and departure
4.26. Number of forced migrants
4.27. Number of refugees
4.28. Number of persons who received temporary asylum
5.1. Labour force, employed and unemployed
5.2. Labour force participation rate, employment and unemployment rates
5.3. Main indicators of labour market by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
5.4. Disabled persons age 15-72 years by age groups and by the status of participation in the work force in 2016
5.5. Average annual number of empolyees of organizations by types ownership
5.6. Average annual number of empolyees of organizations by economic activity
5.7. Hours worked through the year at workplaces by economic activity
5.8. Labour productivity growth (decline) by economic activity
5.9. Share of women in the total number of employed by economic activity
5.10. Male and female employed by economic activity
5.11. Male and female employed by occupation in 2016
5.12. Employed by age groups
5.13. Employed by educational attainment
5.14. Employed by economic activity and educational attainment in 2016
5.15. Foreign citizens, engaged in labour activities in Russia during the year
5.16. Foreign citizens with valid work permits
5.17. Foreign citizens with valid licenses to carry out labour activity
5.18. Foreign citizens with a valid work permit by age groups in 2016
5.19. Foreign citizens with a valid license to carry out labour activity, by age groups in 2016
5.20. Unemployed by age groups
5.21. Unemployed by educational attainment
5.22. Unemployed by reasons
5.23. Unemployed by methods of job search
5.24. Unemployed by duration of job search
5.25. Unemployed by sex and occupational group by reference to the last job in 2016
5.26. Unemployment rates by sex and occupational group by reference to the last job in 2016
5.27. Unemployment by average duration of job search by age groups
5.28. Population job placement by the state employment services
5.29. Number of disabled people who applied at state employment services looking for appropriate work
5.30. Inflow and outflow of employees, by economic activity
5.31. Number of part time employees in organizations, by economic activity in 2016
5.32. Strikes
5.33. Share of employees engaged in jobs with hazardous and (or) dangerous working conditions, in public and non-public organizations
5.34. Share of male and female employees engaged in jobs with hazardous and (or) dangerous working conditions
5.35. Share of employees entitled to compensations for being engaged in jobs with hazardous and (or) dangerous working conditions
5.36. Occupational injuries
5.37. Injured at work, by economic activity
5.38. Occupational diseases (poisoning)
6.1. Main socio-economic indicators of living standards of population
6.2. Main indicators of standard of living by constituent entities of the Russian
6.3. Gross disposal income of households
6.4. Volume indices of actual final consumption of households
6.5. Changes in real income of population
6.6. Volume and structure of money income of population
6.7. Average accrued monthly nominal wages of employees of organizations by economic activity
6.8. Main indicators of pension provision
6.9. Number of pensioners and average rate of pensions by type of pension provision and categories of pensioners
6.10. Main indicators of non-government pension provision system
6.11. Expenditures on benefits and social assistance
6.12. Main social guarantees established by legislation of the Russian Federation
6.13. Value of main social guarantees established by legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to subsistence
6.14. Population by per capita money income
6.15. Total volume of money income of population
6.16. Subsistence minimum
6.17. Population with money income below subsistence minimum level and gap of money income
6.18. Low income households by main categories
6.19. Low income population by basic groups
6.20. Expenditures and savings of population
6.21. Level and structure of money income of households by location and living standards in 2015
6.22. Household final consumption expenditures by location and by living standards in 2016
6.23. Households consumer expenditures
6.24. Households expenditures by groups of population by groups of disposable resources in 2016
6.25. Nutritional and energy value of food products in households
6.26. Durables in households
6.27. Durables in households by groups of population with different level of disposal resources in 2016
6.28. Main indicators of housing conditions of population
6.29. Indicators of housing conditions of population by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
6.30. Housing stock
6.31. Housing stock privatization
6.32. Urban housing stock
6.33. Slum and dilapidated housing stock
6.34. Amenities of housing stock
6.35. Commissioning of selected rural infrastructure facilities
6.36. Registration of rights to dwelling on the basis of purchase/sale agreement
6.37. Provision of subsidies to citizens to pay for housing and communal services
6.38. Social support to citizens to pay for housing and communal services
6.39. Households by types and amenities of occupied living area
6.40. Households with different level of money income by types of occupied living area in 2016
6.41. Households by average living area per one inhabitant
6.42. Household with different level of money income by average living area per one inhabitant in 2016
7.1. Main indicators of education
7.2. Number of pupils, students by levels of education by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
7.3. Educational attainment of population by age groups
7.4. Preschool education,supervision and childcare establishments
7.5. Pedagogical staff in preschool education, supervision and child care establishments
7.6. Placement of children and adolescents without parental care
7.7. Boarding institutions for children
7.8. Establishments carrying out training programs for primary, basic and secondary general education
7.9. Number of pupils per class at general education establishments
7.10. Shifts of studies at establishments carrying out training programs for primary, basic and secondary general education
7.11. General education establishments, equipped with classrooms to study the basic computer skills
7.12. Electronic means at general education establishments
7.13. Primary, basic and secondary general education teachers by level of education
7.14. Establishments of additional education of children by educational activities
7.15. Training of skilled workers, employees
7.16. Students in vocational programs for skilled workers and employees, by sex and age
7.17. Teachers at vocational education establishments on programs for skilled workers and employees
7.18. Graduation of skilled workers and employees by occupation in 2010-2015
7.19. Graduation of skilled workers and employees by occupation in 2016
7.20. Secondary vocational education establishments
7.21. Number of teachers at vocational education establishments for mid-level specialists
7.22. Admission at vocational education establishments for mid-level specialists by mode of attendance
7.23. Graduation of mid-level specialists from state and municipal vocational education establishments,by groups of specialties in 2010, 2014
7.24. Graduation of mid-level specialists from state and municipal vocational education establishments, by groups of specialties
7.25. Graduation of mid-level specialists from private vocational education establishments, by groups of specialties in 2010
7.26. Graduation of mid-level specialists from private vocational education establishments, by groups of specialties
7.27. Number of students, admission to training programs for mid-level specialists and graduation of mid-level specialists by sources of financing of education
7.28. Electronic means of vocational establishments for mid-level specialists
7.29. Higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations with bachelor’s, specialist’s,master’s programs
7.30. Professors and teachers of higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations with bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s programs
7.31. Admissions at higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations with bachelor’s,specialist’s, master’s programs
7.32. Graduates of bachelors, specialists and masters by the state and municipal higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations by roups of specialities and fields of study
7.33. Graduation of bachelor’s, specialists and master’s in private higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations by groups of specialities and fields of study
7.34. Graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters by level of diplomas
7.35. Number of students and admitted students in bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s programs and number of bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s degree raduates by state and municipal higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations by sources of financing
7.36. Electronic means of higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations for bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s educational programs
7.37. Students from the CIS countries in bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs at state and municipal higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations of Russia with general conditionsof admission
7.38. Foreign students in bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs at higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations of Russia
8.1. Medical organizations
8.2. Hospital beds by selected medical specialties
8.3. Medical personnel
8.4. Medical doctors (physicians) by selected specialties
8.5. Nursing personnel by selected specialties
8.6. Emergency medical care provided to population
8.7. Surgical procedures performed in hospitals in 2016
8.8. Medical care provided to women and children
8.9. Medical termination of pregnancy (abortions)
8.10. Preventive health screening for population groups eligible for regular check-ups
8.11. Public health resources by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
8.12. General population morbidity by main classes of disease
8.13. Morbidity by selected infectious diseases
8.14. HIV morbidity
8.15. Malignant neoplasm morbidity
8.16. Active tuberculosis morbidity
8.17. Sexually transmitted diseases
8.18. Mental and behavioral disorder morbidity
8.19. Mental and behavioral disorder morbidity due to psychoactive substance use
8.20. Drug addiction among children aged 0-14 and 15-17
8.21. Substance abuse among children aged 0-14 and 15-17
8.22. Health status of pregnant, prenatal and postnatal women and newborns
8.23. Morbidity among children aged 0-14 by main disease classes
8.24. Persons newly qualified as disabled
8.25. Persons newly qualified as disabled by disability causes
8.26. Disabled children under 18 years receiving social disability pension
8.27. Stationary social service establishments for elderly and disabled persons
8.28. Number of beds in stationary social service establishments for elderly and disabled persons 219
8.29. Health resorts and recreation facilities
8.30. Persons accommodated in health resorts and recreation facilities
9.1. Main indicators of culture
9.2. Theatres
9.3. Circuses
9.4. Zoos
9.5. Museums
9.6. Historical and cultural monuments in 1990-2013
9.7. Cultural and archaeological heritage sites
9.8. Clubs and related organizations.
9.9. Public libraries
9.10. Publication of books and booklets
9.11. Publication of magazines and newspapers
9.12. Publication of books, booklets, magazines, newspapers
9.13. Population covered by television and radio broadcasting
9.14. Child health camps
9.15. Hotels and similar facilities
9.16. Persons accommodated in hotels and similar facilities
9.17. Citizens of the Russian Federation accommodated in hotels and similar facilities
9.18. Foreign citizens accommodated in hotels and similar facilities
9.19. Main indicators of culture, recreation and tourism by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
9.20. Inland waterways transportation of passengers and passenger turnover on tourist, excursion and ambling routs
9.21. Inbound tourist visits of foreign citizens to Russia
9.22. Outbound tourist visits of Russian citizens to foreign countries
9.23. Russian tourists on tours across Russia and to foreign countries, organized by tour operators
9.24. Foreign tourists hosted by tour operators
9.25. Sports facilities
9.26. Development of mass sports
10.1. Number of public associations, political parties and non-profit organizations, registered in the Russian Federation,end of 2016
10.2. Average number and average monthly accrued wages of employees of public associations
10.3. Number of non-profit organizations by types
10.4. Number of religious organizations registered in the Russian Federation, end of 2016
10.5. Public associations, non-profit organizations and religious organizations by constituent entities of the Russian Federation at end of 2016
10.6. Participation in activities of public, voluntary and charitable organizations (movements) depending on the place of residence
10.7. Participation in activities of public, voluntary and charitable organizations (movements) by age categories
11.1. Recorded crimes by types
11.2. Criminal offenders
11.3. Crimes committed by certain categories of people
11.4. Crimes involving violent acts against victims by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016 252
11.5. Victims of criminal encroachments
11.6. Number of convicted cases, courts enforced by certain types of crime
11.7. Number of convicts under the age of 30 years by certain types of crime
11.8. Characteristics of convicts
11.9. Convicts by main types of penalties adjudicated by courts
11.10. Number of inmates in detention facilities (prisons)
12.1. Volume and movements of Gross Domestic Product
12.2. Goods and services account
12.3. Production account
12.4. Generation of income account
12.5. Allocation of primary income account
12.6. Secondary distribution of income account
12.7. Use of disposable income account
12.8. Capital account
12.9. Production account by economic activity
12.10. Output by economic activity and sector
12.11. Gross Value Added by economic activity and sector
12.12. Volume indices of output by economic activity
12.13. Volume indices of Gross Value Added by economic activity
12.14. Generation of income account by economic activity
12.15. Use of Gross Domestic Product
12.16. Use of Gross Domestic Product (percent)
12.17. Final consumption expenditure and actual final consumption
12.19. Volume indices of components of use of gross domestic product
12.19. Gross Regional Product by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2015
12.20. Balance sheet
12.21. Balance sheet and capital account with regard to fixed assets in 2015
12.22. Fixed assets
12.23. Fixed assets by type of ownership
12.24. Main features of fixed assets
12.25. Fixed assets by economic activity
12.26. Growth (decrease) rate of volume of fixed assets by economic activity
12.27. Renovation rates of fixed assets by economic activity
12.28. Disposal rates of fixed assets by economic activity
12.29. Depreciation rate of fixed assets by economic activity
12.30. Structure of fixed assets of commercial organizations
12.31. Structure of fixed assets of non-commercial organizations
12.32. Depreciation rate of fixed assets of commercial organizations
12.33. Share of fully depreciated fixed assets of commercial organizations
12.34. Commissioning into capacity of fixed assets by economic activity
13.1. Investments in non-financial assets
13.2. Investments in fixed capital
13.3. Investments in fixed capital by types of fixed assets
13.4. Investments in fixed capital by type of ownership
13.5. Investments in fixed capital by sources of financing
13.6. Investments in fixed capital by economic activity
13.7. Volume indices of investments in fixed capital by economic activity
13.8. Investments in fixed capital by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
13.9. Organizations by assessment of goals for investing in fixed capital
13.10. Organizations by assessment of factors, restricting their investment activity
13.11. Cost of financial leasing agreements concluded by organizations engaged in financial leasing
13.12. Factors adversely affecting activity of organizations in the field of financial leasing
13.13. Foreign direct investments into the Russian economy by major investing countries
13.14. Russian direct investments into economies of major direct investment recipient countries
13.15. Financial investments of organizations by main economic activity
14.1. Enterprises and organizations by economic activity
14.2. Enterprises and organizations by type of ownership
14.3. Enterprises and organizations of certain types of economic activity by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
14.4. Turnover of organizations by economic activity
14.5. Small enterprises by economic activity
14.6. Average number of employees at small enterprises by economic activity
14.7. Turnover of small enterprises by economic activity
14.8. Main indicators of activity of small enterprices (including micro enterprices) by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
14.9. Number of economically active individual entrepreneurs by economic activity
14.10. Volume of revenues (including taxes and similar compulsory payments) from sale of goods, products, works, services by individual entrepreneurs by economic activity
14.11. Main indicators of activity of individual entrepreneurs by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016 327
15.1. Volume of shipped own produced goods, works performed and services rendered by economic activity 331
15.2. Indices of production by selected economic activity
15.3. Indices of production and volume of own produced goods shipped, works performed and services rendered by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
15.4. Volume of own produced goods shipped, works performed and services rendered by type of ownership in 2016
15.5. Level of use of annual average production capacity of organizations producing selected types of products of mining and quarrying and manufacturing industries
15.6. Balance of energy resources in 2015
15.7. Use of secondary energy resources
15.8. Consumption for production of selected types of products
15.9. Fuel equivalent consumption for production of selected types of products
15.10. Coal mining by type
15.11. Crude oil extraction
15.12. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in extraction of crude oil and associated petroleum gas
15.13. Gas extraction and processing
15.14. Extraction of associated petroleum gas
15.15. Production of primary energy resources by type
15.16. Final consumption of fuel and energy resources by type of fuel and energy
15.17. Mining of metal ores and other natural minerals
15.18. Production of basic types of food products, beverages and tobacco
15.19. Production of basic types of textiles and textile products
15.20. Production of basic types of leather products and footwear
15.21. Production of wood and wood products
15.22. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in production of wood and wood products
15.23. Production of basic types of pulp, paper and paper products, publishing and printing activity
15.24. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in production of pulp, paper and paper products
15.25. Production of coke and basic refined petroleum products
15.26. Depth of crude oil processing
15.27. Manufacture of basic chemicals and chemical products
15.28. Production of mineral or chemical fertilizers by type
15.29. Production of chemical fibers and threads by type
15.30. Production of medicinal chemicals
15.31. Production of basic types of rubber and plastic products
15.32. Production of basic types of other non-metallic mineral products
15.33. Production of basic types of metallurgical products
15.34. Production \of selected types of metallurgical products
15.35. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in metallurgical manufacturing 352
15.36. Growth (decrease) rate of manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals
15.37. Production of basic types of machinery and equipment n.e.c .
15.38. Production of basic types of electrical and optical equipment
15.39. Production of transportation equipment
15.40. Production of basic types of products of manufacturing n.e.c.
15.41. Production and use of electricity
15.42. Electricity generation by type of power plants
15.43. Capacity of power plants
15.44. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in electricity, gas and water supply
16.1. Agricultural production by types of enterprises
16.2. Structure of agricultural production by types of enterprises
16.3. Indices of agricultural production by types of enterprises
16.4. Main indicators of agricultural production by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
16.5. Production of main agricultural products by types of enterprises
16.6. Main agricultural products by types of enterprises
16.7. Sale of main products by agricultural organizations
16.8. Inventory of tractors and combine harvesters in agricultural enterprises
16.9. Use of mineral fertilizers by types of crop
16.10. Use of organic fertilizers by types of crop
16.11. Chemical amelioration of soil in agricultural enterprises
16.12. Energy capacity in agricultural enterprises
16.13. Agricultural acreage of major crops
16.14. Agricultural acreage
16.15. Acreage in agricultural crops by types of enterprises in 2016
16.16. Gross harvest of agricultural products
16.17. Gross harvest of major crops
16.19. Yield of crop-growing products
16.19. Yield of major crop-growing products
16.20. Acreage of fruit and berry, grape and tea plantations
16.21. Gross harvest of fruits, berries, grapes and tea leaves
16.22. Livestock inventory
16.23. Livestock inventory by types of enterprises in 2016
16.24. Livestock inventory by types of enterprises
16.25. Poultry population
16.26. Production of main animal husbandry products
16.27. Production of livestock, poultry for slaughter and milk
16.28. Fodder consumption in animal husbandry
16.29. Productivity of livestock and poultry
16.30. Resources and use of grain
16.31. Resources and use of potatoes
16.32. Resources and use of vegetables and melons
16.33. Resources and use of meat and meat products
16.34. Resources and use of milk and dairy products
16.35. Resources and use of eggs and egg products 2016 Russian Agricultural Census
16.36. Number of agricultural organizations (households) and total land area by types of enterprises as of July 1, 2016
16.37. Structure of total land area by types of use in the households of population as of July 1, 2016
16.38. Agricultural organizations by size of land area as of July 1, 2016
16.39. Peasant (farm) households and individual entrepreneurs by size of land area as of July 1, 2016
16.40. Private subsidiary farms by size of land area as of July 1, 2016
16.41. Non-profit associations of citizens by size of land area as of July 1, 2016
16.42. Structure of sowing areas for 2016 harvest by types of crops as of July 1, 2016
16.43. Structure of areas by types of perennial plantations as of July 1, 2016
16.44. Structure of livestock of agricultural animals by types of enterprises as of July 1, 2016
16.45. Agricultural organizations by livestock of cattle as of July 1, 2016
16.46. Peasant (farm) households and individual entrepreneurs by livestock of cattle as of July 1, 2016
16.47. Private subsidiary farms by livestock of cattle as of July 1, 2016
16.48. Data on hunting activities
16.49. Forest resources
16.50. Protection of forests
16.51. Main indicators of enterprises engaged in economic activity «Forestry and Logging»
17.1. Basic indicators of fishing and aquaculture organizations
17.2. Fishing and removing or collecting live wild aquatic organisms
17.3. Catch (production) of basic fishery products
17.4. Retail sale of fish and seafood
17.5. Consumption of fish and fish products
17.6. Consumption of fish and fish products (taking into account results of sample household budgets surveys)
17.7. Export and import of the Russian Federation of fish, fish products and seafood
17.8. Release of juveniles of live wild aquatic organisms into fishery waters and farming of fish seed
Activity of construction organizations
18.1. Volume of construction activities performed under the economic activity «Construction»
18.2. Volume of construction activities performed by organizations of different types o ownership
18.3. Active construction organizations
18.4. Active construction organizations by types of ownership
18.5. Investments in fixed capital of organizations carrying out construction activity
18.6. Fixed assets of organizations under the economic activity «Construction»
18.7. Fleet and condition of the major equipment in construction organizations
18.8. Commissioning of buildings
18.9. Commissioning of certain production capacities
18.10. Commissioning of residential houses
18.11. Commissioning of residential houses in cities, urban-type settlements and rural area
18.12. Residential houses commissioned by organizations of different types of ownership and by population
18.13. Main characteristics of commissioned apartments
18.14. Residential houses under construction in progress
18.15. Commissioning of residential houses by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
18.16. Commissioning of social and cultural facilities
18.17. Commissioning of establishments of higher professional and vocational education
19.1. Economic entities engaged in trade by economic activity
19.2. Key performance indicators of trade organizations
19.3. Turnover of trade organization
19.4. Key performance indicators of public catering organizations
19.5. Cost of manufacturing and sale of products (goods, works, services) of trade organizations
19.6. Cost of manufacturing and sale of products (goods, works, services) of public catering organizations
19.7. Main indicators of trade and service organizations by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
19.8. Retail trade turnover
19.9. Retail trade turnover by type of trade
19.10. Retail trade turnover by types of economic entities
19.11. Number of retail markets and trade places
19.12. Number of organized retail fairs and trade places
19.13. Retail trade turnover per capita
19.14. Volume indices of retail trade turnover
19.15. Turnover of retail trade organizations by types of ownership
19.16. Share of retail trade turnover of major goods in retail trade turnover
19.17. Volume indices of retail trade turnover by certain products
19.18. Volume indices of retail trade of certain products
19.19. Sale of certain consumer products
19.20. Sale of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and mouth-piece cigarettes
19.21. Share of imports of certain food products in the commodity resources
19.22. Retail trade commodity resources
19.23. Quality of domestic and imported goods in the consumer market
19.24. Quality of goods in retail markets in 2016
19.25. Turnover of public catering
19.26. Turnover of public catering by types of economic entities
19.27. Wholesale trade turnover
19.28. Stock of certain products (goods) in wholesale organizations
19.29. Key performance indicators of commodity exchanges.
19.30. Volume of market services rendered to population
19.31. Volume indices of market services rendered to population by types of services
19.32. Market services rendered to population by types of services
19.33. Per capita volume of market services rendered to population by types of services
19.34. Volume of household services rendered to population
19.35. Volume indices of household services rendered to population by types of services
19.36. Household services rendered to population by types of services
19.37. Per capita volume of household services rendered to population by types of services
20.1. Main transport indicators
20.2. Main indicators on transport activities by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
20.3. Freight shipments by transport modes
20.4. Shipments of certain freight by railway transport
20.5. Shipments of certain freight by water transport of organizations of all economic activities
20.6. Shipments of freight in containers and packages by transport modes
20.7. Shipments of freight in international traffic by public transport modes
20.8. Transportation of freight by main pipelines
20.9. Freight turnover by transport modes .
20.10. Freight turnover in international traffic by public transport modes
20.11. Freight shipments and turnover of industrial railway transport
20.12. Freight turnover of main pipelines
20.13. Freight shipments by entrepreneurs (private persons), engaged in commercial transportation by road transport
20.14. Passenger transportation by public transport modes
20.15. Main indicators of urban public electric transport
20.16. Passenger turnover by public transport modes
20.17. Passenger transportation and passenger turnover of public transport by transport modes in 2016
20.18. Transport fleet
20.19. Fuel consumption by transport organizations
20.20. Automobile gasoline and diesel oil consumption by auto motor transport of organizations of all kinds of economic activity
20.21. Electricity consumption of organizations by kinds of transport activity
20.22. Length of transport lines
20.23. Density of transport lines
20.24. Density of freight shipments by modes of transport lines
20.25. Passenger - density by modes of transport lines Transport accidents
20.26. Persons suffered in transport accidents
21.1. Main indicators of public communication
21.2. Main indicators of development of fixed and mobile access to the internet by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
21.3. Volume of communication services
21.4. Volume of communication services rendered to population
21.5. Main indicators of development of public phone and mobile communications
21.6. Main indicators of development of fixed and mobile access to the Internet
21.7. Number of subscribers of fixed and mobile access to the Internet per 100 population
21.8. Facilities of satellite communication and broadcasting
22.1. Use of information and communication technologies in organizations
22.2. Use of information and communication technologies in organizations by economic activity
22.3. Personal computers in organizations
22.4. Use of electronic data exchange between own and external information systems in organizations by economic activity
22.5. Use of special software in organizations
22.6. Use of Internet to communicate with suppliers and consumers of goods (works, service) in organizations
22.7. Use of Internet to communicate with suppliers and consumers of goods (works, service) in organizations by kind of economic activity
22.8. Expenditures of organizations on information and communication technologies by economic activity in 2016
22.9. Access to Internet in households
22.10. Use of information technology and information and communication networks by the population
22.11. Use of information and communication technologies in organizations and households by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
23.1. Research and development organizations
23.2. Research and development organizations by sector of activity
23.3. Number of researchers and expenditures on research and development associated with nanotechnologies
23.4. Research and development personnel
23.5. Research and development personnel by sector of activity
23.6. Researchers by field of science
23.7. Researchers by age groups
Training of R & D personnel
23.8. Main indicators of post-graduate education and doctoral studies
23.9. Post-graduates and doctorates by field of science in 2016
Financing of science
23.10. Financing of science from federal budget
23.11. Intramural expenditures on research and development
23.12. Intramural expenditures on research and development by source of financing
23.13. Intramural expenditures on research and development by sector of activity
23.14. Intramural expenditures on research and development by type of expenditures
23.15. Intramural expenditures on research and development by priority directions of science, technology and techniques development by source of financing
23.16. Intramural expenditures on research and development by socio-economic objectives
23.17. Intramural current expenditures on research and development by type of work and field of science
23.18. Claims for patents and issued patents in Russia
23.19. Use of protected outcome of intellectual activities in Russia
23.20. Developed advanced production technologies by degree of novelty
23.21. Advanced production technologies used by duration of their implementation
23.22. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by the subject of agreement in 2016
23.23. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by sector of activity in 2016
23.24. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by ownership type of organizations in 2016
23.25. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by economic activity of organizations in 2016
23.26. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by designation area of the subject of agreement in 2016
23.27. Trade in technologies with foreign countries in 2016
23.28. Main indicators of innovative activity
23.29. Innovative activity of organizations by economic activity
23.30. Organizations implementing organizational and marketing innovations by economic activity
23.31. Expenditures of organizations on technological innovations by type of innovative and economic activity
23.32. Expenditures of organizations on technological innovations by source of financing
23.33. Volume of innovative goods, works and services of organizations by economic activity
23.34. Special costs associated with environmental innovations
23.35. Main indicators of science, innovation and advanced production technologies by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
24.1. Revenues and expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation
24.2. Consolidated budget of the Russian Federation in 2000
24.3. Consolidated budget of the Russian Federation
24.4. Revenues and expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation by level of budget system in 2000
24.5. Revenues and expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation by level of budget system
24.6. Expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation on social-cultural activities in 2016
24.7. Execution of the expenditure part of the federal budget of the Russian Federation in 2016
24.8. Sources for financing deficit of the federal budget of the Russian Federation in 2000
24.9. Sources for financing deficit of the federal budget of the Russian Federation
24.10. Volume of the Reserve Fund and the Fund of National Welfare
24.11. State external debt of the Russian Federation
24.12. Indebtedness on tax payments to the consolidated and federal budgets of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2001
24.13. Indebtedness on taxes and dues to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation
24.14. Receipt and expenditure of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
24.15. Receipt and expenditure of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
24.16. Receipt and expenditure of the Federal Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance
24.17. Receipt and expenditure of Territorial Funds of Compulsory Medical Insurance
Monetary and credit system
24.18. Money in circulation
24.19. External debt of the Russian Federation
24.20. Credits, deposits and other allocated funds made available to organizations, private persons and credit institutions
24.21. Credit institutions
24.22. Credit institutions by value of registered charter capital
24.23. Deposits of credit institutions in securities
24.24. Deposits, credits and other funds raised by credit institutions
24.25. Deposits of private persons at credit institutions
24.26. Official exchange rate of foreign currencies to Russian rouble
24.27. Main indicators of government securities market (STATE TREASURY BILLS- FEDERAL LOAN BONDS(GKO-OFZ))
24.28. Main indicators of activities of insurers
24.29. Main indicators of the activity of Medical insurance organizations with regard to Compulsory Medical Insurance (CMI)
24.30. Insurance premiums (frees) and payments by type of insurance in 2000
24.31. Insurance premiums (frees) and payments by type of insurance
24.32. Net financial results (profit less losses) of organizations by economic activity
24.33. Share of loss-making organizations and losses by economic activity
24.34. Financial results of activities of organizations by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
24.35. Expenditure on production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by economic activity
24.36. Profitability of goods, products (works, services) sold by economic activity
24.37. Profitability of assets of organizations by economic activity
24.38. Total indebtedness by liabilities of organizations by economic activity in 2016
24.39. Indebtedness of organizations to suppliers, on payments to the budget and state extra-budgetary funds by economic activity in 2016
24.40. Debtor liabilities of organizations by economic activity in 2016
24.41. Overdue arrears of wages to employees of organizations by economic activity in 2016
24.42. Indebtedness of organizations of the CIS countries to organizations of Russia in 2016
24.43. Total indebtedness on liabilities of organizations of Russia to organizations of the CIS countries in 2016
25.1. Consumer price and producer price indices
25.2. Consumer price and producer price indices by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
25.3. Consumer price indices (tariffs) for goods and services
25.4. Consumer price indices for selected groups of food products
25.5. Consumer price indices for selected groups of non-food products
25.6. Consumer price indices (tariffs) for selected groups of services
25.7. Consumer price indices for 10 % (decile) groups of population
25.8. Average consumer prices for selected types of food products
25.9. Average consumer prices for selected types of food products at different cities of the Russian Federation in 2016 542
25.10. Average consumer prices for selected types of non-food products
25.11. Average consumer prices (tariffs) for selected types of services
25.12. Cost of living index for selected cities and towns of the Russian Federation
Price indices and average prices in the dwelling market
25.13. Price indices in primary and secondary markets of dwelling
25.14. Average prices in primary and secondary markets of dwelling
Price indices and average prices of producers
25.15. Producer price indices by kind of economic activity
25.16. Producer price indices for selected types of industrial products
25.17. Average producer prices and purchase prices for main energy resources
25.18. Average producer prices for main energy resources as related to price of crude oil
25.19. Price indices for main types of fuel-energy resources acquired by industrial organizations
25.20. Price indices for selected types of grain acquired by industrial organizations for main manufacturing
25.21. Average prices for selected types of grain acquired by industrial organizations for main manufacturing
25.22. Price indices of agricultural producers
25.23. Average prices of agricultural producers
25.24. Price indices for investment products (expenditures, services)
25.25. Price indices for investment products (expenditures, services) by kind of economic activity
25.26. Freight tariff indices by main transport
25.27. Tariff indices for communication services for legal entities
25.28. Average tariffs for communication services for legal entities
26.1. External trade of the Russian Federation
26.2. Trade surplus of the Russian Federation
26.3. Exports and Imports of the Russian Federation
26.4. External trade of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
26.5. External trade of the Russian Federation with the CIS countries
26.6. Share of partner countries in the exports and imports of the Russian Federation
26.7. External trade of the Russian Federation with far abroad (non-CIS) countries
26.8. Commodity structure of exports of the Russian Federation
26.9. Commodity structure of exports of the Russian Federation to the CIS countries
26.10. Commodity structure of exports of the Russian Federation to far abroad countries
26.11. Commodity structure of imports of the Russian Federation
26.12. Commodity structure of imports of the Russian Federation from the CIS countries
26.13. Commodity structure of imports of the Russian Federation from far abroad (non-CIS) countries
26.14. Share of consumer, intermediate and investment goods in the total volume of imports of the Russian Federation
26.15. The Russian Federation exports and imports of high-technology products
26.16. Exports of the Russian Federation to the Eurasian Economic Union member states
26.17. Imports of the Russian Federation from the Eurasian Economic Union member states
26.18. Exports of main commodities from the Russian Federation
26.19. Imports of main commodities to the Russian Federation
26.20. Exports of main commodities from the Russian Federation to the CIS countries
26.21. Imports of major commodities to the Russian Federation from the CIS countries
26.22. Exports and imports of services of the Russian Federation
26.23. Structure of exports and imports of services of the Russian Federation
26.24. Exports of the Russian Federation by main types of services
26.25. Exports of the Russian Federation by main types of services to the CIS countries
26.26. Exports of the Russian Federation by main types of services to far abroad countries
26.27. Imports of the Russian Federation by main types of services
26.28. Imports of the Russian Federation by main types of services from the CIS countries
26.29. Imports of the Russian Federation by main types of services from the far abroad countries
26.30. External trade in services of the Russian Federation with main partner countries
26.31. Average price and volume indices of exports of the Russian Federation
26.32. Average price and volume indices of exports of the Russian Federation to the CIS countries
26.33. Average price and volume indices of exports of the Russian Federation to the far abroad countries
26.34. Average actual export prices for main commodities
26.35. Average actual export prices for main commodities in trade with the CIS countries
26.36. Average actual export prices for main commodities in trade with far abroad countries
26.37. Average price and volume indices of imports of the Russian Federation
26.38. Average price and volume indices of imports of the Russian Federation from the CIS countries
26.39. Average price and volume indices of imports of the Russian Federation from the far abroad countries
26.40. Average actual import prices for main commodities
26.41. Average actual import prices for main commodities in trade with the CIS countries
26.42. Average actual import prices for main commodities in trade with far abroad countries
26.43. Changes in average actual export prices of the Russian Federation and world prices for selected commodities in 2016
26.44. Average actual export prices of the Russian Federation and world prices for selected commodities in 2016
26.45. Changes in prices for selected goods in the world commodity markets
27.1. Population size
27.2. Number of males and females
27.3. Population by age groups
27.4. Life expectancy at birth
27.5. Birth rates, death rates and natural increase of population
27.6. Total fertility rate
27.7. Mortality of population by main causes of death
27.8. Infant mortality rate
27.9. Maternal mortality
27.10. Average annual number of employed
27.11. Number employed in Russia and some foreign countries by economic activity
27.12. Total number of unemployed
27.13. Share of total number of unemployed in labour force
27.14. Average monthly nominal wages of employees
27.15. Growth rate of real wages of employees
27.16. Average daily per capita intake of calories, protein and fat
27.17. Number of students
27.18. Selected indicators of public health
27.19. Use of time by population of selected countries
27.20. Growth rate of gross domestic product
27.21. Growth rate of gross fixed capital formation
27.22. Growth rate of final consumption expenditures of households
27.23. Gross domestic product by purchasing power parity based on results of international comparisons for 2014
27.24. Volume indices of main aggregates of gross domestic product per capita in 2014
27.25. Purchasing power parities of gross domestic product and currency exchange rates for 2014
27.26. Purchasing power parities of main aggregates of gross domestic product per 2014
27.27. Comparative price level for main aggregates of gross domestic product per 2014
27.28. GDP of Russia estimates by PPP
27.29. Indices of industrial production
27.30. Production of major types of industrial products in 2015
27.31. Per capita production of major types of industrial products in 2015
27.32. Production of selected agricultural products and foodstuff in 2015
27.33. Per capita production of selected agricultural products and foodstuff in 2015
27.34. Russia’s ranking in the world production of selected industrial and agricultural products in 2015
27.35. Indices of production of agricultural products
27.36. Land in grains and legumes in 2015
27.37. Yield of agricultural crops
27.38. Livestock and poultry
27.39. Number of apartments built
27.40. Volume indices of retail trade turnover
27.41. Railway freight turnover
27.42. Share of certain modes of transportation in total freight turnover
27.43. Passengers turnover for railway transport
27.44. Research and development personnel
27.45. Expenditures on research and development as percent of GDP
27.46. Revenues and expenditures of consolidated budget
27.47. Reserve assets of monetary regulating authorities (excluding monetary gold)
27.48. Monetary gold reserves of monetary regulating authorities
27.49. Movements of foreign currency exchange rates to russian rouble
27.50. Amount of cash in circulation (Mо)
27.51. Interest rates on credits and deposits
27.52. Consumer price indices
27.53. Exports and imports of goods
27.54. Share of selected countries to world exports and imports of goods
Methodological notes
1.1. Main social and economic indicators
1.2. Average annual rates of increase (decrease) of main social and economic indicators
1.3. Growth (decrease) rates of main socio-economic indicators
2.1. Territory and urban settlements of constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2017
2.2. Employees of state and local self government bodies by branches of power and levels of management
2.3. Employees of federal state bodies at end of 2016
2.4. Employees of federal executive power bodies of some countries of the world
2.5. Employees holding posts at civil and municipal services in the Russian Federation, by branches of power and levels of government
2.6. Composition of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
3.1. Land area
3.2. Water resources
3.3. Volume of water in major lakes and water reservoirs
3.4. Average monthly temperature by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
3.5. Amount of precipitation by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
3.6. Main indicators characterizing the impact of business activities on environment
3.7. Main indicators characterizing the impact of business activities on environment by constituent entitiesof the Russian Federation in 2016
3.8. Specially protected natural territories
3.9. State natural reserves and national parks
3.10. Use of fresh water
3.11. Discharges of pollutants with waste water into water reservoirs
3.12. Volume of polluted waste water discharged into basins of selected seas and rivers
3.13. Emissions, capturing and utilization of atmospheric pollutants from stationary sources
3.14. Emissions of the most widespread air pollutants from stationary sources
3.15. Fixed capital investments for environmental protection and sound use of natural resources
3.16. Commissioning of treatment facilities to protect water and air resources from pollution
3.17. Geological exploration by sources of financing
3.18. Geological explorations by mineral resources
3.19. Deep exploration drilling
4.1. Main demographic indicators
4.2. Main demographic indicators by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
4.3. Population size
4.4. Population by sex
4.5. Population by sex and by age groups as of January 1, 2017
4.6. Total population by age groups
4.7. Number of female per 1000 male of the respective age group
4.8. Total population (by different versions of projections)
4.9. Population by sex (by different versions of projections)
4.10. Population by age groups (by different versions of projections)
4.11. Population structure by ethnic group
4.12. Cities with 100 000 population and over
4.13. Cities and urban settlements by number of inhabitants
4.14. Rural settlements by number of inhabitants
4.15. Births, deaths and natural increase (decrease) of population
4.16. Life expectancy at birth
4.17. Age-specific fertility rates
4.18. Age-specific death rates
4.19. Death rates for major causes of death
4.20. Infant mortality
4.21. Infant mortality by major causes of death
4.22. Marriages and divorces
4.23. Marriages by ages of bride and groom.
4.24. International
4.25. Domestic migration within Russia by territories of arrival and departure
4.26. Number of forced migrants
4.27. Number of refugees
4.28. Number of persons who received temporary asylum
5.1. Labour force, employed and unemployed
5.2. Labour force participation rate, employment and unemployment rates
5.3. Main indicators of labour market by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
5.4. Disabled persons age 15-72 years by age groups and by the status of participation in the work force in 2016
5.5. Average annual number of empolyees of organizations by types ownership
5.6. Average annual number of empolyees of organizations by economic activity
5.7. Hours worked through the year at workplaces by economic activity
5.8. Labour productivity growth (decline) by economic activity
5.9. Share of women in the total number of employed by economic activity
5.10. Male and female employed by economic activity
5.11. Male and female employed by occupation in 2016
5.12. Employed by age groups
5.13. Employed by educational attainment
5.14. Employed by economic activity and educational attainment in 2016
5.15. Foreign citizens, engaged in labour activities in Russia during the year
5.16. Foreign citizens with valid work permits
5.17. Foreign citizens with valid licenses to carry out labour activity
5.18. Foreign citizens with a valid work permit by age groups in 2016
5.19. Foreign citizens with a valid license to carry out labour activity, by age groups in 2016
5.20. Unemployed by age groups
5.21. Unemployed by educational attainment
5.22. Unemployed by reasons
5.23. Unemployed by methods of job search
5.24. Unemployed by duration of job search
5.25. Unemployed by sex and occupational group by reference to the last job in 2016
5.26. Unemployment rates by sex and occupational group by reference to the last job in 2016
5.27. Unemployment by average duration of job search by age groups
5.28. Population job placement by the state employment services
5.29. Number of disabled people who applied at state employment services looking for appropriate work
5.30. Inflow and outflow of employees, by economic activity
5.31. Number of part time employees in organizations, by economic activity in 2016
5.32. Strikes
5.33. Share of employees engaged in jobs with hazardous and (or) dangerous working conditions, in public and non-public organizations
5.34. Share of male and female employees engaged in jobs with hazardous and (or) dangerous working conditions
5.35. Share of employees entitled to compensations for being engaged in jobs with hazardous and (or) dangerous working conditions
5.36. Occupational injuries
5.37. Injured at work, by economic activity
5.38. Occupational diseases (poisoning)
6.1. Main socio-economic indicators of living standards of population
6.2. Main indicators of standard of living by constituent entities of the Russian
6.3. Gross disposal income of households
6.4. Volume indices of actual final consumption of households
6.5. Changes in real income of population
6.6. Volume and structure of money income of population
6.7. Average accrued monthly nominal wages of employees of organizations by economic activity
6.8. Main indicators of pension provision
6.9. Number of pensioners and average rate of pensions by type of pension provision and categories of pensioners
6.10. Main indicators of non-government pension provision system
6.11. Expenditures on benefits and social assistance
6.12. Main social guarantees established by legislation of the Russian Federation
6.13. Value of main social guarantees established by legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to subsistence
6.14. Population by per capita money income
6.15. Total volume of money income of population
6.16. Subsistence minimum
6.17. Population with money income below subsistence minimum level and gap of money income
6.18. Low income households by main categories
6.19. Low income population by basic groups
6.20. Expenditures and savings of population
6.21. Level and structure of money income of households by location and living standards in 2015
6.22. Household final consumption expenditures by location and by living standards in 2016
6.23. Households consumer expenditures
6.24. Households expenditures by groups of population by groups of disposable resources in 2016
6.25. Nutritional and energy value of food products in households
6.26. Durables in households
6.27. Durables in households by groups of population with different level of disposal resources in 2016
6.28. Main indicators of housing conditions of population
6.29. Indicators of housing conditions of population by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
6.30. Housing stock
6.31. Housing stock privatization
6.32. Urban housing stock
6.33. Slum and dilapidated housing stock
6.34. Amenities of housing stock
6.35. Commissioning of selected rural infrastructure facilities
6.36. Registration of rights to dwelling on the basis of purchase/sale agreement
6.37. Provision of subsidies to citizens to pay for housing and communal services
6.38. Social support to citizens to pay for housing and communal services
6.39. Households by types and amenities of occupied living area
6.40. Households with different level of money income by types of occupied living area in 2016
6.41. Households by average living area per one inhabitant
6.42. Household with different level of money income by average living area per one inhabitant in 2016
7.1. Main indicators of education
7.2. Number of pupils, students by levels of education by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
7.3. Educational attainment of population by age groups
7.4. Preschool education,supervision and childcare establishments
7.5. Pedagogical staff in preschool education, supervision and child care establishments
7.6. Placement of children and adolescents without parental care
7.7. Boarding institutions for children
7.8. Establishments carrying out training programs for primary, basic and secondary general education
7.9. Number of pupils per class at general education establishments
7.10. Shifts of studies at establishments carrying out training programs for primary, basic and secondary general education
7.11. General education establishments, equipped with classrooms to study the basic computer skills
7.12. Electronic means at general education establishments
7.13. Primary, basic and secondary general education teachers by level of education
7.14. Establishments of additional education of children by educational activities
7.15. Training of skilled workers, employees
7.16. Students in vocational programs for skilled workers and employees, by sex and age
7.17. Teachers at vocational education establishments on programs for skilled workers and employees
7.18. Graduation of skilled workers and employees by occupation in 2010-2015
7.19. Graduation of skilled workers and employees by occupation in 2016
7.20. Secondary vocational education establishments
7.21. Number of teachers at vocational education establishments for mid-level specialists
7.22. Admission at vocational education establishments for mid-level specialists by mode of attendance
7.23. Graduation of mid-level specialists from state and municipal vocational education establishments,by groups of specialties in 2010, 2014
7.24. Graduation of mid-level specialists from state and municipal vocational education establishments, by groups of specialties
7.25. Graduation of mid-level specialists from private vocational education establishments, by groups of specialties in 2010
7.26. Graduation of mid-level specialists from private vocational education establishments, by groups of specialties
7.27. Number of students, admission to training programs for mid-level specialists and graduation of mid-level specialists by sources of financing of education
7.28. Electronic means of vocational establishments for mid-level specialists
7.29. Higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations with bachelor’s, specialist’s,master’s programs
7.30. Professors and teachers of higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations with bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s programs
7.31. Admissions at higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations with bachelor’s,specialist’s, master’s programs
7.32. Graduates of bachelors, specialists and masters by the state and municipal higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations by roups of specialities and fields of study
7.33. Graduation of bachelor’s, specialists and master’s in private higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations by groups of specialities and fields of study
7.34. Graduation of bachelors, specialists and masters by level of diplomas
7.35. Number of students and admitted students in bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s programs and number of bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s degree raduates by state and municipal higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations by sources of financing
7.36. Electronic means of higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations for bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s educational programs
7.37. Students from the CIS countries in bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs at state and municipal higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations of Russia with general conditionsof admission
7.38. Foreign students in bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs at higher professional education establishments and scientific organizations of Russia
8.1. Medical organizations
8.2. Hospital beds by selected medical specialties
8.3. Medical personnel
8.4. Medical doctors (physicians) by selected specialties
8.5. Nursing personnel by selected specialties
8.6. Emergency medical care provided to population
8.7. Surgical procedures performed in hospitals in 2016
8.8. Medical care provided to women and children
8.9. Medical termination of pregnancy (abortions)
8.10. Preventive health screening for population groups eligible for regular check-ups
8.11. Public health resources by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
8.12. General population morbidity by main classes of disease
8.13. Morbidity by selected infectious diseases
8.14. HIV morbidity
8.15. Malignant neoplasm morbidity
8.16. Active tuberculosis morbidity
8.17. Sexually transmitted diseases
8.18. Mental and behavioral disorder morbidity
8.19. Mental and behavioral disorder morbidity due to psychoactive substance use
8.20. Drug addiction among children aged 0-14 and 15-17
8.21. Substance abuse among children aged 0-14 and 15-17
8.22. Health status of pregnant, prenatal and postnatal women and newborns
8.23. Morbidity among children aged 0-14 by main disease classes
8.24. Persons newly qualified as disabled
8.25. Persons newly qualified as disabled by disability causes
8.26. Disabled children under 18 years receiving social disability pension
8.27. Stationary social service establishments for elderly and disabled persons
8.28. Number of beds in stationary social service establishments for elderly and disabled persons 219
8.29. Health resorts and recreation facilities
8.30. Persons accommodated in health resorts and recreation facilities
9.1. Main indicators of culture
9.2. Theatres
9.3. Circuses
9.4. Zoos
9.5. Museums
9.6. Historical and cultural monuments in 1990-2013
9.7. Cultural and archaeological heritage sites
9.8. Clubs and related organizations.
9.9. Public libraries
9.10. Publication of books and booklets
9.11. Publication of magazines and newspapers
9.12. Publication of books, booklets, magazines, newspapers
9.13. Population covered by television and radio broadcasting
9.14. Child health camps
9.15. Hotels and similar facilities
9.16. Persons accommodated in hotels and similar facilities
9.17. Citizens of the Russian Federation accommodated in hotels and similar facilities
9.18. Foreign citizens accommodated in hotels and similar facilities
9.19. Main indicators of culture, recreation and tourism by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
9.20. Inland waterways transportation of passengers and passenger turnover on tourist, excursion and ambling routs
9.21. Inbound tourist visits of foreign citizens to Russia
9.22. Outbound tourist visits of Russian citizens to foreign countries
9.23. Russian tourists on tours across Russia and to foreign countries, organized by tour operators
9.24. Foreign tourists hosted by tour operators
9.25. Sports facilities
9.26. Development of mass sports
10.1. Number of public associations, political parties and non-profit organizations, registered in the Russian Federation,end of 2016
10.2. Average number and average monthly accrued wages of employees of public associations
10.3. Number of non-profit organizations by types
10.4. Number of religious organizations registered in the Russian Federation, end of 2016
10.5. Public associations, non-profit organizations and religious organizations by constituent entities of the Russian Federation at end of 2016
10.6. Participation in activities of public, voluntary and charitable organizations (movements) depending on the place of residence
10.7. Participation in activities of public, voluntary and charitable organizations (movements) by age categories
11.1. Recorded crimes by types
11.2. Criminal offenders
11.3. Crimes committed by certain categories of people
11.4. Crimes involving violent acts against victims by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016 252
11.5. Victims of criminal encroachments
11.6. Number of convicted cases, courts enforced by certain types of crime
11.7. Number of convicts under the age of 30 years by certain types of crime
11.8. Characteristics of convicts
11.9. Convicts by main types of penalties adjudicated by courts
11.10. Number of inmates in detention facilities (prisons)
12.1. Volume and movements of Gross Domestic Product
12.2. Goods and services account
12.3. Production account
12.4. Generation of income account
12.5. Allocation of primary income account
12.6. Secondary distribution of income account
12.7. Use of disposable income account
12.8. Capital account
12.9. Production account by economic activity
12.10. Output by economic activity and sector
12.11. Gross Value Added by economic activity and sector
12.12. Volume indices of output by economic activity
12.13. Volume indices of Gross Value Added by economic activity
12.14. Generation of income account by economic activity
12.15. Use of Gross Domestic Product
12.16. Use of Gross Domestic Product (percent)
12.17. Final consumption expenditure and actual final consumption
12.19. Volume indices of components of use of gross domestic product
12.19. Gross Regional Product by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2015
12.20. Balance sheet
12.21. Balance sheet and capital account with regard to fixed assets in 2015
12.22. Fixed assets
12.23. Fixed assets by type of ownership
12.24. Main features of fixed assets
12.25. Fixed assets by economic activity
12.26. Growth (decrease) rate of volume of fixed assets by economic activity
12.27. Renovation rates of fixed assets by economic activity
12.28. Disposal rates of fixed assets by economic activity
12.29. Depreciation rate of fixed assets by economic activity
12.30. Structure of fixed assets of commercial organizations
12.31. Structure of fixed assets of non-commercial organizations
12.32. Depreciation rate of fixed assets of commercial organizations
12.33. Share of fully depreciated fixed assets of commercial organizations
12.34. Commissioning into capacity of fixed assets by economic activity
13.1. Investments in non-financial assets
13.2. Investments in fixed capital
13.3. Investments in fixed capital by types of fixed assets
13.4. Investments in fixed capital by type of ownership
13.5. Investments in fixed capital by sources of financing
13.6. Investments in fixed capital by economic activity
13.7. Volume indices of investments in fixed capital by economic activity
13.8. Investments in fixed capital by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
13.9. Organizations by assessment of goals for investing in fixed capital
13.10. Organizations by assessment of factors, restricting their investment activity
13.11. Cost of financial leasing agreements concluded by organizations engaged in financial leasing
13.12. Factors adversely affecting activity of organizations in the field of financial leasing
13.13. Foreign direct investments into the Russian economy by major investing countries
13.14. Russian direct investments into economies of major direct investment recipient countries
13.15. Financial investments of organizations by main economic activity
14.1. Enterprises and organizations by economic activity
14.2. Enterprises and organizations by type of ownership
14.3. Enterprises and organizations of certain types of economic activity by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
14.4. Turnover of organizations by economic activity
14.5. Small enterprises by economic activity
14.6. Average number of employees at small enterprises by economic activity
14.7. Turnover of small enterprises by economic activity
14.8. Main indicators of activity of small enterprices (including micro enterprices) by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
14.9. Number of economically active individual entrepreneurs by economic activity
14.10. Volume of revenues (including taxes and similar compulsory payments) from sale of goods, products, works, services by individual entrepreneurs by economic activity
14.11. Main indicators of activity of individual entrepreneurs by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016 327
15.1. Volume of shipped own produced goods, works performed and services rendered by economic activity 331
15.2. Indices of production by selected economic activity
15.3. Indices of production and volume of own produced goods shipped, works performed and services rendered by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
15.4. Volume of own produced goods shipped, works performed and services rendered by type of ownership in 2016
15.5. Level of use of annual average production capacity of organizations producing selected types of products of mining and quarrying and manufacturing industries
15.6. Balance of energy resources in 2015
15.7. Use of secondary energy resources
15.8. Consumption for production of selected types of products
15.9. Fuel equivalent consumption for production of selected types of products
15.10. Coal mining by type
15.11. Crude oil extraction
15.12. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in extraction of crude oil and associated petroleum gas
15.13. Gas extraction and processing
15.14. Extraction of associated petroleum gas
15.15. Production of primary energy resources by type
15.16. Final consumption of fuel and energy resources by type of fuel and energy
15.17. Mining of metal ores and other natural minerals
15.18. Production of basic types of food products, beverages and tobacco
15.19. Production of basic types of textiles and textile products
15.20. Production of basic types of leather products and footwear
15.21. Production of wood and wood products
15.22. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in production of wood and wood products
15.23. Production of basic types of pulp, paper and paper products, publishing and printing activity
15.24. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in production of pulp, paper and paper products
15.25. Production of coke and basic refined petroleum products
15.26. Depth of crude oil processing
15.27. Manufacture of basic chemicals and chemical products
15.28. Production of mineral or chemical fertilizers by type
15.29. Production of chemical fibers and threads by type
15.30. Production of medicinal chemicals
15.31. Production of basic types of rubber and plastic products
15.32. Production of basic types of other non-metallic mineral products
15.33. Production of basic types of metallurgical products
15.34. Production \of selected types of metallurgical products
15.35. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in metallurgical manufacturing 352
15.36. Growth (decrease) rate of manufacture of basic non-ferrous metals
15.37. Production of basic types of machinery and equipment n.e.c .
15.38. Production of basic types of electrical and optical equipment
15.39. Production of transportation equipment
15.40. Production of basic types of products of manufacturing n.e.c.
15.41. Production and use of electricity
15.42. Electricity generation by type of power plants
15.43. Capacity of power plants
15.44. Technical and economic indicators of organizations engaged in electricity, gas and water supply
16.1. Agricultural production by types of enterprises
16.2. Structure of agricultural production by types of enterprises
16.3. Indices of agricultural production by types of enterprises
16.4. Main indicators of agricultural production by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
16.5. Production of main agricultural products by types of enterprises
16.6. Main agricultural products by types of enterprises
16.7. Sale of main products by agricultural organizations
16.8. Inventory of tractors and combine harvesters in agricultural enterprises
16.9. Use of mineral fertilizers by types of crop
16.10. Use of organic fertilizers by types of crop
16.11. Chemical amelioration of soil in agricultural enterprises
16.12. Energy capacity in agricultural enterprises
16.13. Agricultural acreage of major crops
16.14. Agricultural acreage
16.15. Acreage in agricultural crops by types of enterprises in 2016
16.16. Gross harvest of agricultural products
16.17. Gross harvest of major crops
16.19. Yield of crop-growing products
16.19. Yield of major crop-growing products
16.20. Acreage of fruit and berry, grape and tea plantations
16.21. Gross harvest of fruits, berries, grapes and tea leaves
16.22. Livestock inventory
16.23. Livestock inventory by types of enterprises in 2016
16.24. Livestock inventory by types of enterprises
16.25. Poultry population
16.26. Production of main animal husbandry products
16.27. Production of livestock, poultry for slaughter and milk
16.28. Fodder consumption in animal husbandry
16.29. Productivity of livestock and poultry
16.30. Resources and use of grain
16.31. Resources and use of potatoes
16.32. Resources and use of vegetables and melons
16.33. Resources and use of meat and meat products
16.34. Resources and use of milk and dairy products
16.35. Resources and use of eggs and egg products 2016 Russian Agricultural Census
16.36. Number of agricultural organizations (households) and total land area by types of enterprises as of July 1, 2016
16.37. Structure of total land area by types of use in the households of population as of July 1, 2016
16.38. Agricultural organizations by size of land area as of July 1, 2016
16.39. Peasant (farm) households and individual entrepreneurs by size of land area as of July 1, 2016
16.40. Private subsidiary farms by size of land area as of July 1, 2016
16.41. Non-profit associations of citizens by size of land area as of July 1, 2016
16.42. Structure of sowing areas for 2016 harvest by types of crops as of July 1, 2016
16.43. Structure of areas by types of perennial plantations as of July 1, 2016
16.44. Structure of livestock of agricultural animals by types of enterprises as of July 1, 2016
16.45. Agricultural organizations by livestock of cattle as of July 1, 2016
16.46. Peasant (farm) households and individual entrepreneurs by livestock of cattle as of July 1, 2016
16.47. Private subsidiary farms by livestock of cattle as of July 1, 2016
16.48. Data on hunting activities
16.49. Forest resources
16.50. Protection of forests
16.51. Main indicators of enterprises engaged in economic activity «Forestry and Logging»
17.1. Basic indicators of fishing and aquaculture organizations
17.2. Fishing and removing or collecting live wild aquatic organisms
17.3. Catch (production) of basic fishery products
17.4. Retail sale of fish and seafood
17.5. Consumption of fish and fish products
17.6. Consumption of fish and fish products (taking into account results of sample household budgets surveys)
17.7. Export and import of the Russian Federation of fish, fish products and seafood
17.8. Release of juveniles of live wild aquatic organisms into fishery waters and farming of fish seed
Activity of construction organizations
18.1. Volume of construction activities performed under the economic activity «Construction»
18.2. Volume of construction activities performed by organizations of different types o ownership
18.3. Active construction organizations
18.4. Active construction organizations by types of ownership
18.5. Investments in fixed capital of organizations carrying out construction activity
18.6. Fixed assets of organizations under the economic activity «Construction»
18.7. Fleet and condition of the major equipment in construction organizations
18.8. Commissioning of buildings
18.9. Commissioning of certain production capacities
18.10. Commissioning of residential houses
18.11. Commissioning of residential houses in cities, urban-type settlements and rural area
18.12. Residential houses commissioned by organizations of different types of ownership and by population
18.13. Main characteristics of commissioned apartments
18.14. Residential houses under construction in progress
18.15. Commissioning of residential houses by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
18.16. Commissioning of social and cultural facilities
18.17. Commissioning of establishments of higher professional and vocational education
19.1. Economic entities engaged in trade by economic activity
19.2. Key performance indicators of trade organizations
19.3. Turnover of trade organization
19.4. Key performance indicators of public catering organizations
19.5. Cost of manufacturing and sale of products (goods, works, services) of trade organizations
19.6. Cost of manufacturing and sale of products (goods, works, services) of public catering organizations
19.7. Main indicators of trade and service organizations by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
19.8. Retail trade turnover
19.9. Retail trade turnover by type of trade
19.10. Retail trade turnover by types of economic entities
19.11. Number of retail markets and trade places
19.12. Number of organized retail fairs and trade places
19.13. Retail trade turnover per capita
19.14. Volume indices of retail trade turnover
19.15. Turnover of retail trade organizations by types of ownership
19.16. Share of retail trade turnover of major goods in retail trade turnover
19.17. Volume indices of retail trade turnover by certain products
19.18. Volume indices of retail trade of certain products
19.19. Sale of certain consumer products
19.20. Sale of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and mouth-piece cigarettes
19.21. Share of imports of certain food products in the commodity resources
19.22. Retail trade commodity resources
19.23. Quality of domestic and imported goods in the consumer market
19.24. Quality of goods in retail markets in 2016
19.25. Turnover of public catering
19.26. Turnover of public catering by types of economic entities
19.27. Wholesale trade turnover
19.28. Stock of certain products (goods) in wholesale organizations
19.29. Key performance indicators of commodity exchanges.
19.30. Volume of market services rendered to population
19.31. Volume indices of market services rendered to population by types of services
19.32. Market services rendered to population by types of services
19.33. Per capita volume of market services rendered to population by types of services
19.34. Volume of household services rendered to population
19.35. Volume indices of household services rendered to population by types of services
19.36. Household services rendered to population by types of services
19.37. Per capita volume of household services rendered to population by types of services
20.1. Main transport indicators
20.2. Main indicators on transport activities by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
20.3. Freight shipments by transport modes
20.4. Shipments of certain freight by railway transport
20.5. Shipments of certain freight by water transport of organizations of all economic activities
20.6. Shipments of freight in containers and packages by transport modes
20.7. Shipments of freight in international traffic by public transport modes
20.8. Transportation of freight by main pipelines
20.9. Freight turnover by transport modes .
20.10. Freight turnover in international traffic by public transport modes
20.11. Freight shipments and turnover of industrial railway transport
20.12. Freight turnover of main pipelines
20.13. Freight shipments by entrepreneurs (private persons), engaged in commercial transportation by road transport
20.14. Passenger transportation by public transport modes
20.15. Main indicators of urban public electric transport
20.16. Passenger turnover by public transport modes
20.17. Passenger transportation and passenger turnover of public transport by transport modes in 2016
20.18. Transport fleet
20.19. Fuel consumption by transport organizations
20.20. Automobile gasoline and diesel oil consumption by auto motor transport of organizations of all kinds of economic activity
20.21. Electricity consumption of organizations by kinds of transport activity
20.22. Length of transport lines
20.23. Density of transport lines
20.24. Density of freight shipments by modes of transport lines
20.25. Passenger - density by modes of transport lines Transport accidents
20.26. Persons suffered in transport accidents
21.1. Main indicators of public communication
21.2. Main indicators of development of fixed and mobile access to the internet by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
21.3. Volume of communication services
21.4. Volume of communication services rendered to population
21.5. Main indicators of development of public phone and mobile communications
21.6. Main indicators of development of fixed and mobile access to the Internet
21.7. Number of subscribers of fixed and mobile access to the Internet per 100 population
21.8. Facilities of satellite communication and broadcasting
22.1. Use of information and communication technologies in organizations
22.2. Use of information and communication technologies in organizations by economic activity
22.3. Personal computers in organizations
22.4. Use of electronic data exchange between own and external information systems in organizations by economic activity
22.5. Use of special software in organizations
22.6. Use of Internet to communicate with suppliers and consumers of goods (works, service) in organizations
22.7. Use of Internet to communicate with suppliers and consumers of goods (works, service) in organizations by kind of economic activity
22.8. Expenditures of organizations on information and communication technologies by economic activity in 2016
22.9. Access to Internet in households
22.10. Use of information technology and information and communication networks by the population
22.11. Use of information and communication technologies in organizations and households by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
23.1. Research and development organizations
23.2. Research and development organizations by sector of activity
23.3. Number of researchers and expenditures on research and development associated with nanotechnologies
23.4. Research and development personnel
23.5. Research and development personnel by sector of activity
23.6. Researchers by field of science
23.7. Researchers by age groups
Training of R & D personnel
23.8. Main indicators of post-graduate education and doctoral studies
23.9. Post-graduates and doctorates by field of science in 2016
Financing of science
23.10. Financing of science from federal budget
23.11. Intramural expenditures on research and development
23.12. Intramural expenditures on research and development by source of financing
23.13. Intramural expenditures on research and development by sector of activity
23.14. Intramural expenditures on research and development by type of expenditures
23.15. Intramural expenditures on research and development by priority directions of science, technology and techniques development by source of financing
23.16. Intramural expenditures on research and development by socio-economic objectives
23.17. Intramural current expenditures on research and development by type of work and field of science
23.18. Claims for patents and issued patents in Russia
23.19. Use of protected outcome of intellectual activities in Russia
23.20. Developed advanced production technologies by degree of novelty
23.21. Advanced production technologies used by duration of their implementation
23.22. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by the subject of agreement in 2016
23.23. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by sector of activity in 2016
23.24. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by ownership type of organizations in 2016
23.25. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by economic activity of organizations in 2016
23.26. Trade in technologies with foreign countries by designation area of the subject of agreement in 2016
23.27. Trade in technologies with foreign countries in 2016
23.28. Main indicators of innovative activity
23.29. Innovative activity of organizations by economic activity
23.30. Organizations implementing organizational and marketing innovations by economic activity
23.31. Expenditures of organizations on technological innovations by type of innovative and economic activity
23.32. Expenditures of organizations on technological innovations by source of financing
23.33. Volume of innovative goods, works and services of organizations by economic activity
23.34. Special costs associated with environmental innovations
23.35. Main indicators of science, innovation and advanced production technologies by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
24.1. Revenues and expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation
24.2. Consolidated budget of the Russian Federation in 2000
24.3. Consolidated budget of the Russian Federation
24.4. Revenues and expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation by level of budget system in 2000
24.5. Revenues and expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation by level of budget system
24.6. Expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation on social-cultural activities in 2016
24.7. Execution of the expenditure part of the federal budget of the Russian Federation in 2016
24.8. Sources for financing deficit of the federal budget of the Russian Federation in 2000
24.9. Sources for financing deficit of the federal budget of the Russian Federation
24.10. Volume of the Reserve Fund and the Fund of National Welfare
24.11. State external debt of the Russian Federation
24.12. Indebtedness on tax payments to the consolidated and federal budgets of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2001
24.13. Indebtedness on taxes and dues to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation
24.14. Receipt and expenditure of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
24.15. Receipt and expenditure of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
24.16. Receipt and expenditure of the Federal Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance
24.17. Receipt and expenditure of Territorial Funds of Compulsory Medical Insurance
Monetary and credit system
24.18. Money in circulation
24.19. External debt of the Russian Federation
24.20. Credits, deposits and other allocated funds made available to organizations, private persons and credit institutions
24.21. Credit institutions
24.22. Credit institutions by value of registered charter capital
24.23. Deposits of credit institutions in securities
24.24. Deposits, credits and other funds raised by credit institutions
24.25. Deposits of private persons at credit institutions
24.26. Official exchange rate of foreign currencies to Russian rouble
24.27. Main indicators of government securities market (STATE TREASURY BILLS- FEDERAL LOAN BONDS(GKO-OFZ))
24.28. Main indicators of activities of insurers
24.29. Main indicators of the activity of Medical insurance organizations with regard to Compulsory Medical Insurance (CMI)
24.30. Insurance premiums (frees) and payments by type of insurance in 2000
24.31. Insurance premiums (frees) and payments by type of insurance
24.32. Net financial results (profit less losses) of organizations by economic activity
24.33. Share of loss-making organizations and losses by economic activity
24.34. Financial results of activities of organizations by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
24.35. Expenditure on production and sale of products (goods, works, services) by economic activity
24.36. Profitability of goods, products (works, services) sold by economic activity
24.37. Profitability of assets of organizations by economic activity
24.38. Total indebtedness by liabilities of organizations by economic activity in 2016
24.39. Indebtedness of organizations to suppliers, on payments to the budget and state extra-budgetary funds by economic activity in 2016
24.40. Debtor liabilities of organizations by economic activity in 2016
24.41. Overdue arrears of wages to employees of organizations by economic activity in 2016
24.42. Indebtedness of organizations of the CIS countries to organizations of Russia in 2016
24.43. Total indebtedness on liabilities of organizations of Russia to organizations of the CIS countries in 2016
25.1. Consumer price and producer price indices
25.2. Consumer price and producer price indices by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
25.3. Consumer price indices (tariffs) for goods and services
25.4. Consumer price indices for selected groups of food products
25.5. Consumer price indices for selected groups of non-food products
25.6. Consumer price indices (tariffs) for selected groups of services
25.7. Consumer price indices for 10 % (decile) groups of population
25.8. Average consumer prices for selected types of food products
25.9. Average consumer prices for selected types of food products at different cities of the Russian Federation in 2016 542
25.10. Average consumer prices for selected types of non-food products
25.11. Average consumer prices (tariffs) for selected types of services
25.12. Cost of living index for selected cities and towns of the Russian Federation
Price indices and average prices in the dwelling market
25.13. Price indices in primary and secondary markets of dwelling
25.14. Average prices in primary and secondary markets of dwelling
Price indices and average prices of producers
25.15. Producer price indices by kind of economic activity
25.16. Producer price indices for selected types of industrial products
25.17. Average producer prices and purchase prices for main energy resources
25.18. Average producer prices for main energy resources as related to price of crude oil
25.19. Price indices for main types of fuel-energy resources acquired by industrial organizations
25.20. Price indices for selected types of grain acquired by industrial organizations for main manufacturing
25.21. Average prices for selected types of grain acquired by industrial organizations for main manufacturing
25.22. Price indices of agricultural producers
25.23. Average prices of agricultural producers
25.24. Price indices for investment products (expenditures, services)
25.25. Price indices for investment products (expenditures, services) by kind of economic activity
25.26. Freight tariff indices by main transport
25.27. Tariff indices for communication services for legal entities
25.28. Average tariffs for communication services for legal entities
26.1. External trade of the Russian Federation
26.2. Trade surplus of the Russian Federation
26.3. Exports and Imports of the Russian Federation
26.4. External trade of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2016
26.5. External trade of the Russian Federation with the CIS countries
26.6. Share of partner countries in the exports and imports of the Russian Federation
26.7. External trade of the Russian Federation with far abroad (non-CIS) countries
26.8. Commodity structure of exports of the Russian Federation
26.9. Commodity structure of exports of the Russian Federation to the CIS countries
26.10. Commodity structure of exports of the Russian Federation to far abroad countries
26.11. Commodity structure of imports of the Russian Federation
26.12. Commodity structure of imports of the Russian Federation from the CIS countries
26.13. Commodity structure of imports of the Russian Federation from far abroad (non-CIS) countries
26.14. Share of consumer, intermediate and investment goods in the total volume of imports of the Russian Federation
26.15. The Russian Federation exports and imports of high-technology products
26.16. Exports of the Russian Federation to the Eurasian Economic Union member states
26.17. Imports of the Russian Federation from the Eurasian Economic Union member states
26.18. Exports of main commodities from the Russian Federation
26.19. Imports of main commodities to the Russian Federation
26.20. Exports of main commodities from the Russian Federation to the CIS countries
26.21. Imports of major commodities to the Russian Federation from the CIS countries
26.22. Exports and imports of services of the Russian Federation
26.23. Structure of exports and imports of services of the Russian Federation
26.24. Exports of the Russian Federation by main types of services
26.25. Exports of the Russian Federation by main types of services to the CIS countries
26.26. Exports of the Russian Federation by main types of services to far abroad countries
26.27. Imports of the Russian Federation by main types of services
26.28. Imports of the Russian Federation by main types of services from the CIS countries
26.29. Imports of the Russian Federation by main types of services from the far abroad countries
26.30. External trade in services of the Russian Federation with main partner countries
26.31. Average price and volume indices of exports of the Russian Federation
26.32. Average price and volume indices of exports of the Russian Federation to the CIS countries
26.33. Average price and volume indices of exports of the Russian Federation to the far abroad countries
26.34. Average actual export prices for main commodities
26.35. Average actual export prices for main commodities in trade with the CIS countries
26.36. Average actual export prices for main commodities in trade with far abroad countries
26.37. Average price and volume indices of imports of the Russian Federation
26.38. Average price and volume indices of imports of the Russian Federation from the CIS countries
26.39. Average price and volume indices of imports of the Russian Federation from the far abroad countries
26.40. Average actual import prices for main commodities
26.41. Average actual import prices for main commodities in trade with the CIS countries
26.42. Average actual import prices for main commodities in trade with far abroad countries
26.43. Changes in average actual export prices of the Russian Federation and world prices for selected commodities in 2016
26.44. Average actual export prices of the Russian Federation and world prices for selected commodities in 2016
26.45. Changes in prices for selected goods in the world commodity markets
27.1. Population size
27.2. Number of males and females
27.3. Population by age groups
27.4. Life expectancy at birth
27.5. Birth rates, death rates and natural increase of population
27.6. Total fertility rate
27.7. Mortality of population by main causes of death
27.8. Infant mortality rate
27.9. Maternal mortality
27.10. Average annual number of employed
27.11. Number employed in Russia and some foreign countries by economic activity
27.12. Total number of unemployed
27.13. Share of total number of unemployed in labour force
27.14. Average monthly nominal wages of employees
27.15. Growth rate of real wages of employees
27.16. Average daily per capita intake of calories, protein and fat
27.17. Number of students
27.18. Selected indicators of public health
27.19. Use of time by population of selected countries
27.20. Growth rate of gross domestic product
27.21. Growth rate of gross fixed capital formation
27.22. Growth rate of final consumption expenditures of households
27.23. Gross domestic product by purchasing power parity based on results of international comparisons for 2014
27.24. Volume indices of main aggregates of gross domestic product per capita in 2014
27.25. Purchasing power parities of gross domestic product and currency exchange rates for 2014
27.26. Purchasing power parities of main aggregates of gross domestic product per 2014
27.27. Comparative price level for main aggregates of gross domestic product per 2014
27.28. GDP of Russia estimates by PPP
27.29. Indices of industrial production
27.30. Production of major types of industrial products in 2015
27.31. Per capita production of major types of industrial products in 2015
27.32. Production of selected agricultural products and foodstuff in 2015
27.33. Per capita production of selected agricultural products and foodstuff in 2015
27.34. Russia’s ranking in the world production of selected industrial and agricultural products in 2015
27.35. Indices of production of agricultural products
27.36. Land in grains and legumes in 2015
27.37. Yield of agricultural crops
27.38. Livestock and poultry
27.39. Number of apartments built
27.40. Volume indices of retail trade turnover
27.41. Railway freight turnover
27.42. Share of certain modes of transportation in total freight turnover
27.43. Passengers turnover for railway transport
27.44. Research and development personnel
27.45. Expenditures on research and development as percent of GDP
27.46. Revenues and expenditures of consolidated budget
27.47. Reserve assets of monetary regulating authorities (excluding monetary gold)
27.48. Monetary gold reserves of monetary regulating authorities
27.49. Movements of foreign currency exchange rates to russian rouble
27.50. Amount of cash in circulation (Mо)
27.51. Interest rates on credits and deposits
27.52. Consumer price indices
27.53. Exports and imports of goods
27.54. Share of selected countries to world exports and imports of goods
Methodological notes