Chapter 1 General Survey
1-1 能源生产、消费与国内生产总值增长速度 3
Growth Rate of Energy Production and Consumption Compared With Growth Rate of GDP
1-2 国民经济和能源经济主要指标 4
Main Indicators of National Economy and Energy Economy
1-3 平均每万元国内生产总值能源消费量 6
Energy Intensity by GDP
1-4 能源加工转换效率 7
Efficiency of Energy Transformation
1-5 人均能源生产量和消费量 8
Energy Production and Consumption Per Capita
1-6 人均生活用能量 9
Residential Energy Consumption Per Capita
1-7 年末交通运输设备拥有量 10
Number of Transportation Equipment (Year-End)
1-8 主要能源品种进、出口量 11
Imports and Exports of Major Energy Products
1-9 主要高耗能产品的进、出口量 12
Imports and Exports of Energy Intensive Products
1-10 分地区废气中主要污染物排放情况 (2016年) 13
Main Pollutant Emission in Waste Gas by Region (2016)
1-11 分地区废水中主要污染物排放情况 (2016年) 14
Main Pollutant Emission in Waste Water by Region (2016)
Chapter 2 Construction of Energy Industry
2-1 国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资 19
Investment In Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry
2-2 国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资构成 19
Proportions of Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry
2-3 分地区国有经济能源工业固定资产投资 20
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry by Region
2-4 分地区国有经济煤炭采选业固定资产投资 21
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Coal Mining and Processing by Region
2-5 分地区国有经济石油和天然气开采业固定资产投资 22
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
by Region
2-6 分地区国有经济电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业固定资产投资 23
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Electricity,Steam,Hot Water
Production and Supply by Region
2-7 分地区国有经济石油加工及炼焦业固定资产投资 24
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Petroleum Processing and Coking by Region
2-8 分地区国有经济煤气生产和供应业固定资产投资 25
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Gas Production and Supply by Region
2-9 能源工业分行业投资 26
Investment in Energy Industry
2-10 能源工业分行业投资构成 26
Investment in Energy Industry by Proportions
2-11 分地区能源工业投资 27
Investment in Energy Industry by Region
2-12 分地区煤炭采选业投资 28
Investment in Coal Mining and Processing by Region
2-13 分地区石油和天然气开采业投资 29
Investment in Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction by Region
2-14 分地区电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业投资 30
Investment in Electricity, Steam, Hot Water Production and Supply by Region
2-15 分地区石油加工及炼焦业投资 31
Investment in Petroleum Processing and Coking by Region
2-16 分地区煤气生产和供应业投资 32
Investment in Gas Production and Supply by Region
Chapter 3 Energy Production
3-1 一次能源生产量和构成 34
Primary Energy Production and Composition
3-2 分地区原煤生产量 36
Raw Coal Production by Region
3-3 分地区焦炭生产量 37
Coke Production by Region
3-4 分地区原油生产量 38
Crude Oil Production by Region
3-5 分地区汽油生产量 39
Gasoline Production by Region
3-6 分地区煤油生产量 40
Kerosene Production by Region
3-7 分地区柴油生产量 41
Diesel Oil Production by Region
3-8 分地区燃料油生产量 42
Fuel Oil Production by Region
3-9 分地区天然气生产量 43
Natural Gas Production by Region
3-10 分地区发电量 44
Power Generation by Region
3-11 分地区水力发电量 45
Hydro Power Generation by Region
3-12 分地区火力发电量 46
Thermal Power Generation by Region
3-13 分地区核能、风力、太阳能发电量 47
Nuclear,Wind,Solar Power Generation by Region
3-14 分地区城市天然气供应情况 48
Basic Statistics on Supply of Natural Gas in Cities by Region
3-15 分地区城市人工煤气供应情况 50
Basic Statistics on Supply of Coal Gas in Cities by Region
3-16 分地区城市液化石油气供应情况 52
Basic Statistics on Supply of LPG in Cities by Region
3-17 分地区城市集中供热情况 54
Basic Statistics on Heating Supply in Cities by Region
Chapter 4 Energy Consumption
4-1 能源消费总量和构成 58
Total Energy Consumption and Composition
4-2 工业分行业终端能源消费量(实物量)-2016 60
Final Energy Consumption by Industrial Sector (Physical Quantity) -2016
4-3 工业分行业终端能源消费量(标准量)-2016 66
Final Energy Consumption by Industrial Sector (Standard Quantity) -2016
4-4 分行业能源消费总量 72
Consumption of Total Energy and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-5 分行业煤炭消费总量 74
Consumption of Coal and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-6 分行业焦炭消费总量 76
Consumption of Coke and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-7 分行业原油消费总量 78
Consumption of Crude Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-8 分行业汽油消费总量 80
Consumption of Gasoline and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-9 分行业煤油消费总量 82
Consumption of Kerosene and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-10 分行业柴油消费总量 84
Consumption of Diesel Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-11 分行业燃料油消费总量 86
Consumption of Fuel Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-12 分行业天然气消费总量 88
Consumption of Natural Gas and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-13 分行业电力消费总量 90
Consumption of Electricity and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-14 分地区分品种能源消费量-2016 92
Energy Consumption by Region-2016
Chapter 5 Energy Balance Table of China
5-1 中国能源平衡表(实物量) -2016 96
Energy Balance of China (Physical Quantity) -2016
5-2 中国能源平衡表(标准量) -2016 102
Energy Balance of China (Standard Quantity) -2016
5-3 综合能源平衡表 108
Overall Energy Balance Sheet
5-4 煤炭平衡表 110
Coal Balance Sheet
5-5 焦炭平衡表 112
Coke Balance Sheet
5-6 石油平衡表 114
Petroleum Balance Sheet
5-7 原油平衡表 116
Crude Oil Balanc Sheet
5-8 燃料油平衡表 118
Fuel Oil Balance Sheet
5-9 汽油平衡表 120
Gasoline Balance Sheet
5-10 煤油平衡表 120
Kerosene Balance Sheet
5-11 柴油平衡表 122
Diesel Oil Balance Sheet
5-12 液化石油气平衡表 122
LPG Balance Sheet
5-13 天然气平衡表 124
Natural Gas Balance Sheet
5-14 电力平衡表 124
Electricity Balance Sheet
Chapter 6 Energy Balance Table by Region
6-1 北京能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 128
Energy Balance of Beijing (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-2 天津能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 134
Energy Balance of Tianjin (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-3 河北能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 140
Energy Balance of Hebei (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-4 山西能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 146
Energy Balance of Shanxi (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-5 内蒙古能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 152
Energy Balance of Inner Mongolia (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-6 辽宁能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 158
Energy Balance of Liaoning (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-7 吉林能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 164
Energy Balance of Jilin (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-8 黑龙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 170
Energy Balance of Heilongjiang (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-9 上海能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 176
Energy Balance of Shanghai (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-10 江苏能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 182
Energy Balance of Jiangsu (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-11 浙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 188
Energy Balance of Zhejiang (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-12 安徽能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 194
Energy Balance of Anhui (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-13 福建能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 200
Energy Balance of Fujian (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-14 江西能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 206
Energy Balance of Jiangxi (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-15 山东能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 212
Energy Balance of Shandong (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-16 河南能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 218
Energy Balance of Henan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-17 湖北能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 224
Energy Balance of Hubei (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-18 湖南能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 230
Energy Balance of Hunan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-19 广东能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 236
Energy Balance of Guangdong (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-20 广西能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 242
Energy Balance of Guangxi (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-21 海南能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 248
Energy Balance of Hainan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-22 重庆能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 254
Energy Balance of Chongqing (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-23 四川能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 260
Energy Balance of Sichuan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-24 贵州能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 266
Energy Balance of Guizhou (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-25 云南能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 272
Energy Balance of Yunnan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-26 陕西能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 278
Energy Balance of Shaanxi (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-27 甘肃能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 284
Energy Balance of Gansu (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-28 青海能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 290
Energy Balance of Qinghai (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-29 宁夏能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 296
Energy Balance of Ningxia (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-30 新疆能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 302
Energy Balance of Xinjiang (Physical Quantity) -2016
Chapter 7 Energy Data for Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region
7-1 香港主要能源及相关指标 311
Major Energy and Related Indicators of Hong Kong
7-2 香港电力、煤气、水消费量 312
Consumption of Electricity、Gas and Water of Hong Kong
7-3 香港油产品净进口量 312
Hong Kong Net Imports of Oil Products
7-4 香港煤产品进口留用量 313
Hong Kong Retained Imports of Coal Products
7-5 香港电力生产、消费和进出口 313
Hong Kong Electricity Production,Consumption,Imports and Exports
7-6 澳门电力供应及消耗 314
Supply and Consumption of Electricity of Macao
7-7 澳门电力、燃料及水消费量 314
Consumption of Electricity,Fuel and Water of Macao
附录1 台湾省能源数据
Appendix Ⅰ Energy Data For Taiwan Province
附录1-1 台湾省主要能源及相关指标 317
Major Energy Related Indicators of Taiwan Province
附录1-2 台湾省分行业电力消费量 318
Taiwan Province Electricity Consumption by Sector
附录1-3 台湾省能源供给总量及构成 318
Taiwan Province Energy Supply and Composition
附录1-4 台湾省能源消费总量及分部门消费构成 319
Taiwan Province Energy Consumption and Composition by Sector
附录1-5 台湾省发电购量和售电量 319
Taiwan Province Electricity Generation and Sale
附录2 有关国家和地区能源数据
Appendix Ⅱ Energy Data For Related Countries Or Areas
附录2-1 人口数 323
附录2-2 国内生产总值汇率算法(2010年价格) 324
Gross Domestic Products Using Exchange Rates(2010 US$)
附录2-3 能源生产总量 325
Total Production of Energy
附录2-4 能源生产量/一次能源供应量(能源自给率) 326
Energy Production/TPES (self-sufficiency)
附录2-5 能源供应量/GDP(2010年价格) 327
TPES/GDP(2010 US$)
附录2-6 人均能源供应量 328
附录2-7 煤生产量 329
Coal Production
附录2-8 原油和天然气凝析液(NGL)生产量 330
Production of Crude Oil, NGL and additives
附录2-9 天然气生产量 331
Production of Natural Gas
附录2-10 终端能源消费量 332
Total Final Consumption of Energy
附录2-11 煤炭供应量 333
Primary Supply of Coal
附录2-12 石油供应量 334
Primary Supply of Oil
附录2-13 天然气供应量 335
Primary Supply of Gas
附录2-14 总发电量(2014年) 336
Total Electricity Generation (2014)
附录2-15 国内生产总值电耗(2010年价) 337
Electricity Consumption/GDP (2010 US$)
附录2-16 人均电力消费量 338
Electricity Consumption/Population
附录2-17 煤净进口量 339
Net Import of Coal
附录2-18 石油净进口量 340
Net Import of Oil
附录2-19 天然气净进口量 341
Net Import of Gas
附录2-20 主要高耗能产品单位能耗中外比较 342
Energy Consumption for Main Energy Intensive Products by Comparing China with
Selected Countries
附录3 主要统计指标解释 345
Appendix Ⅲ Explanatory Notes of Main Statistical Indicators
附录4 各种能源折标准煤参考系数 351
Appendix Ⅳ Conversion Factors from Physical Units to Coal Equivalent
Chapter 1 General Survey
1-1 能源生产、消费与国内生产总值增长速度 3
Growth Rate of Energy Production and Consumption Compared With Growth Rate of GDP
1-2 国民经济和能源经济主要指标 4
Main Indicators of National Economy and Energy Economy
1-3 平均每万元国内生产总值能源消费量 6
Energy Intensity by GDP
1-4 能源加工转换效率 7
Efficiency of Energy Transformation
1-5 人均能源生产量和消费量 8
Energy Production and Consumption Per Capita
1-6 人均生活用能量 9
Residential Energy Consumption Per Capita
1-7 年末交通运输设备拥有量 10
Number of Transportation Equipment (Year-End)
1-8 主要能源品种进、出口量 11
Imports and Exports of Major Energy Products
1-9 主要高耗能产品的进、出口量 12
Imports and Exports of Energy Intensive Products
1-10 分地区废气中主要污染物排放情况 (2016年) 13
Main Pollutant Emission in Waste Gas by Region (2016)
1-11 分地区废水中主要污染物排放情况 (2016年) 14
Main Pollutant Emission in Waste Water by Region (2016)
Chapter 2 Construction of Energy Industry
2-1 国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资 19
Investment In Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry
2-2 国有经济能源工业分行业固定资产投资构成 19
Proportions of Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry
2-3 分地区国有经济能源工业固定资产投资 20
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Energy Industry by Region
2-4 分地区国有经济煤炭采选业固定资产投资 21
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Coal Mining and Processing by Region
2-5 分地区国有经济石油和天然气开采业固定资产投资 22
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction
by Region
2-6 分地区国有经济电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业固定资产投资 23
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Electricity,Steam,Hot Water
Production and Supply by Region
2-7 分地区国有经济石油加工及炼焦业固定资产投资 24
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Petroleum Processing and Coking by Region
2-8 分地区国有经济煤气生产和供应业固定资产投资 25
Investment in Fixed Assets of State-Owned Units in Gas Production and Supply by Region
2-9 能源工业分行业投资 26
Investment in Energy Industry
2-10 能源工业分行业投资构成 26
Investment in Energy Industry by Proportions
2-11 分地区能源工业投资 27
Investment in Energy Industry by Region
2-12 分地区煤炭采选业投资 28
Investment in Coal Mining and Processing by Region
2-13 分地区石油和天然气开采业投资 29
Investment in Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction by Region
2-14 分地区电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业投资 30
Investment in Electricity, Steam, Hot Water Production and Supply by Region
2-15 分地区石油加工及炼焦业投资 31
Investment in Petroleum Processing and Coking by Region
2-16 分地区煤气生产和供应业投资 32
Investment in Gas Production and Supply by Region
Chapter 3 Energy Production
3-1 一次能源生产量和构成 34
Primary Energy Production and Composition
3-2 分地区原煤生产量 36
Raw Coal Production by Region
3-3 分地区焦炭生产量 37
Coke Production by Region
3-4 分地区原油生产量 38
Crude Oil Production by Region
3-5 分地区汽油生产量 39
Gasoline Production by Region
3-6 分地区煤油生产量 40
Kerosene Production by Region
3-7 分地区柴油生产量 41
Diesel Oil Production by Region
3-8 分地区燃料油生产量 42
Fuel Oil Production by Region
3-9 分地区天然气生产量 43
Natural Gas Production by Region
3-10 分地区发电量 44
Power Generation by Region
3-11 分地区水力发电量 45
Hydro Power Generation by Region
3-12 分地区火力发电量 46
Thermal Power Generation by Region
3-13 分地区核能、风力、太阳能发电量 47
Nuclear,Wind,Solar Power Generation by Region
3-14 分地区城市天然气供应情况 48
Basic Statistics on Supply of Natural Gas in Cities by Region
3-15 分地区城市人工煤气供应情况 50
Basic Statistics on Supply of Coal Gas in Cities by Region
3-16 分地区城市液化石油气供应情况 52
Basic Statistics on Supply of LPG in Cities by Region
3-17 分地区城市集中供热情况 54
Basic Statistics on Heating Supply in Cities by Region
Chapter 4 Energy Consumption
4-1 能源消费总量和构成 58
Total Energy Consumption and Composition
4-2 工业分行业终端能源消费量(实物量)-2016 60
Final Energy Consumption by Industrial Sector (Physical Quantity) -2016
4-3 工业分行业终端能源消费量(标准量)-2016 66
Final Energy Consumption by Industrial Sector (Standard Quantity) -2016
4-4 分行业能源消费总量 72
Consumption of Total Energy and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-5 分行业煤炭消费总量 74
Consumption of Coal and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-6 分行业焦炭消费总量 76
Consumption of Coke and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-7 分行业原油消费总量 78
Consumption of Crude Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-8 分行业汽油消费总量 80
Consumption of Gasoline and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-9 分行业煤油消费总量 82
Consumption of Kerosene and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-10 分行业柴油消费总量 84
Consumption of Diesel Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-11 分行业燃料油消费总量 86
Consumption of Fuel Oil and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-12 分行业天然气消费总量 88
Consumption of Natural Gas and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-13 分行业电力消费总量 90
Consumption of Electricity and Its Main Varieties by Sector
4-14 分地区分品种能源消费量-2016 92
Energy Consumption by Region-2016
Chapter 5 Energy Balance Table of China
5-1 中国能源平衡表(实物量) -2016 96
Energy Balance of China (Physical Quantity) -2016
5-2 中国能源平衡表(标准量) -2016 102
Energy Balance of China (Standard Quantity) -2016
5-3 综合能源平衡表 108
Overall Energy Balance Sheet
5-4 煤炭平衡表 110
Coal Balance Sheet
5-5 焦炭平衡表 112
Coke Balance Sheet
5-6 石油平衡表 114
Petroleum Balance Sheet
5-7 原油平衡表 116
Crude Oil Balanc Sheet
5-8 燃料油平衡表 118
Fuel Oil Balance Sheet
5-9 汽油平衡表 120
Gasoline Balance Sheet
5-10 煤油平衡表 120
Kerosene Balance Sheet
5-11 柴油平衡表 122
Diesel Oil Balance Sheet
5-12 液化石油气平衡表 122
LPG Balance Sheet
5-13 天然气平衡表 124
Natural Gas Balance Sheet
5-14 电力平衡表 124
Electricity Balance Sheet
Chapter 6 Energy Balance Table by Region
6-1 北京能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 128
Energy Balance of Beijing (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-2 天津能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 134
Energy Balance of Tianjin (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-3 河北能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 140
Energy Balance of Hebei (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-4 山西能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 146
Energy Balance of Shanxi (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-5 内蒙古能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 152
Energy Balance of Inner Mongolia (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-6 辽宁能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 158
Energy Balance of Liaoning (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-7 吉林能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 164
Energy Balance of Jilin (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-8 黑龙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 170
Energy Balance of Heilongjiang (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-9 上海能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 176
Energy Balance of Shanghai (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-10 江苏能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 182
Energy Balance of Jiangsu (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-11 浙江能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 188
Energy Balance of Zhejiang (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-12 安徽能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 194
Energy Balance of Anhui (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-13 福建能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 200
Energy Balance of Fujian (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-14 江西能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 206
Energy Balance of Jiangxi (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-15 山东能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 212
Energy Balance of Shandong (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-16 河南能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 218
Energy Balance of Henan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-17 湖北能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 224
Energy Balance of Hubei (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-18 湖南能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 230
Energy Balance of Hunan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-19 广东能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 236
Energy Balance of Guangdong (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-20 广西能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 242
Energy Balance of Guangxi (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-21 海南能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 248
Energy Balance of Hainan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-22 重庆能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 254
Energy Balance of Chongqing (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-23 四川能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 260
Energy Balance of Sichuan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-24 贵州能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 266
Energy Balance of Guizhou (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-25 云南能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 272
Energy Balance of Yunnan (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-26 陕西能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 278
Energy Balance of Shaanxi (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-27 甘肃能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 284
Energy Balance of Gansu (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-28 青海能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 290
Energy Balance of Qinghai (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-29 宁夏能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 296
Energy Balance of Ningxia (Physical Quantity) -2016
6-30 新疆能源平衡表(实物量)-2016 302
Energy Balance of Xinjiang (Physical Quantity) -2016
Chapter 7 Energy Data for Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region
7-1 香港主要能源及相关指标 311
Major Energy and Related Indicators of Hong Kong
7-2 香港电力、煤气、水消费量 312
Consumption of Electricity、Gas and Water of Hong Kong
7-3 香港油产品净进口量 312
Hong Kong Net Imports of Oil Products
7-4 香港煤产品进口留用量 313
Hong Kong Retained Imports of Coal Products
7-5 香港电力生产、消费和进出口 313
Hong Kong Electricity Production,Consumption,Imports and Exports
7-6 澳门电力供应及消耗 314
Supply and Consumption of Electricity of Macao
7-7 澳门电力、燃料及水消费量 314
Consumption of Electricity,Fuel and Water of Macao
附录1 台湾省能源数据
Appendix Ⅰ Energy Data For Taiwan Province
附录1-1 台湾省主要能源及相关指标 317
Major Energy Related Indicators of Taiwan Province
附录1-2 台湾省分行业电力消费量 318
Taiwan Province Electricity Consumption by Sector
附录1-3 台湾省能源供给总量及构成 318
Taiwan Province Energy Supply and Composition
附录1-4 台湾省能源消费总量及分部门消费构成 319
Taiwan Province Energy Consumption and Composition by Sector
附录1-5 台湾省发电购量和售电量 319
Taiwan Province Electricity Generation and Sale
附录2 有关国家和地区能源数据
Appendix Ⅱ Energy Data For Related Countries Or Areas
附录2-1 人口数 323
附录2-2 国内生产总值汇率算法(2010年价格) 324
Gross Domestic Products Using Exchange Rates(2010 US$)
附录2-3 能源生产总量 325
Total Production of Energy
附录2-4 能源生产量/一次能源供应量(能源自给率) 326
Energy Production/TPES (self-sufficiency)
附录2-5 能源供应量/GDP(2010年价格) 327
TPES/GDP(2010 US$)
附录2-6 人均能源供应量 328
附录2-7 煤生产量 329
Coal Production
附录2-8 原油和天然气凝析液(NGL)生产量 330
Production of Crude Oil, NGL and additives
附录2-9 天然气生产量 331
Production of Natural Gas
附录2-10 终端能源消费量 332
Total Final Consumption of Energy
附录2-11 煤炭供应量 333
Primary Supply of Coal
附录2-12 石油供应量 334
Primary Supply of Oil
附录2-13 天然气供应量 335
Primary Supply of Gas
附录2-14 总发电量(2014年) 336
Total Electricity Generation (2014)
附录2-15 国内生产总值电耗(2010年价) 337
Electricity Consumption/GDP (2010 US$)
附录2-16 人均电力消费量 338
Electricity Consumption/Population
附录2-17 煤净进口量 339
Net Import of Coal
附录2-18 石油净进口量 340
Net Import of Oil
附录2-19 天然气净进口量 341
Net Import of Gas
附录2-20 主要高耗能产品单位能耗中外比较 342
Energy Consumption for Main Energy Intensive Products by Comparing China with
Selected Countries
附录3 主要统计指标解释 345
Appendix Ⅲ Explanatory Notes of Main Statistical Indicators
附录4 各种能源折标准煤参考系数 351
Appendix Ⅳ Conversion Factors from Physical Units to Coal Equivalent